ISO 9001:2008 Certified!

March 6, 2010 – 8:49 am                                                                                            

Sometime in the beginning of 2008, the hope of gaining a PAN India status suddenly became a little stronger. 2009  saw us gain phenomenal popularity among overseas tourists and NRIs, visiting India, making it India’s leading online inbound tour operator. By March, the whimsical dream began to take shape and on May 09, a new chapter unfolded. Bharatonline launched its second office, in the IT capital of Bangalore. Within few months, it launched its third office in Mumbai. Ever since, it has been a dream ride. And our dreams got a little patronization when our company was declared an ISO 9001:2008 company on the 10th of February, 2010.

ISO 9001:2008 Cerificate

We had to take on a very different role during the process of getting the Australian certification. Some of us, in key positions had to adorn the role of an internal CA, and that my friends, was a very unique experience in itself. The process was no different than what we did on a regular basis, but it had a more refined approach. We had our moments of initial hiccups but we were more than happy to comply with the defined ways.

Today, when Bharatonline is on brinks of going international, I feel that the ISO certification has given a sense of character to our extremely upbeat unit!

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