Monthly Archives: July 2010

Kolkata: You beauty!

July 16, 2010 – 6:03 am                                                                                            

If I was a czar of the medieval times, I would have done myself really proud in a way or two! In less than 12 months, we have been able to conquer South (Bangalore) and West (Mumbai). The final frontier of Kolkata (East) did evade us for some time, but now we have the Bharatonline flag fluttering proudly in the ‘city of joy’.

...full story

The Road Trip (Part 2)

July 12, 2010 – 1:33 pm                                                                                            

The sky was the colour of brazen ash, with pockets of blemishes, never letting you forget that it was monsoon. After ascending the hill to Madikeri, finding the way to the budget hotel was a no brainer. There were innumerable private sign boards that lead you to your respective stays. The hotel manager was obviously courteous, as he knew we were coming from Bharatonline.

...full story