Monthly Archives: March 2010

ISO 9001:2008 Certified!

March 6, 2010 – 8:49 am                                                                                            

Sometime in the beginning of 2008, the hope of gaining a PAN India status suddenly became a little stronger. 2009  saw us gain phenomenal popularity among overseas tourists and NRIs, visiting India, making it India’s leading online inbound tour operator. By March, the whimsical dream began to take shape and on May 09, a new chapter unfolded. Bharatonline launched

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De-bleaching the moods

March 3, 2010 – 11:51 am                                                                                            

Reporting Live: Dreary looking bharatonliners are looking to work on a day that has been declared an optional holiday. The spirits seem a bit punctured, and the attitude starkly ‘bleached’ on a day where the nation is drenched in colours. We go live to the captain of sales. “Mr. Risto, you are a Christian from Kerala; why do you look so crestfallen? Risto”: it’s

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